Novel Synopsis

At the beginning there are women sitting on a porch gossiping on why they think that Janie has returned without the younger man that she ran off with. They all think that the man she was with left her for someone else but that is when Janie starts telling her story to Pheoby. She tells Pheoby that she was raised by her grandma who wanted her marry a man named Logan after she kisses a guy named Johnny. Janie doesn’t love Logan but her grandma says that love for him will come eventually. After awhile her grandma dies and Janie still doesn’t love Logan. When Logan starts to treat her like crap and making her do things that women back then didn’t have to do Janie was not very happy. That is when she met Joe. Her and Jody run off and get married after Logan is very mean to Janie and demands respect from her that she doesn’t want to give. Joe and Janie go to a town called Eatonville where Joe becomes mayor and he makes Janie work in the store that he owns where she also has to where her hair up.

Joe and Janie keep falling away from each other and Joe starts beating Janie. Some time later Joe’s health starts to decline. Joe and Janie continue to fight and Joe moves to a new room in the house. Janie confronts Joe on his deathbed about the way that he has treated her and he was not very pleased with that. Joe then dies and Janie puts on a sad face to tell everyone about it.

Afterwards she goes through the mourning period that they were supposed to go through back then even though inside she was relieved. One day she meets someone named Tea Cake and they start to hang out and talk. Janie thinks he is different from the rest because he asks her to play checkers, which no other guy has done. People of the town think that he is just trying to get her money. Janie is aware of the possibility but she soon trusts him. They run off to the everglades and get married. Tea Cake and Janie live a life on the farm, which Janie is not used to. After awhile of being there Tea Cake beats Janie to show that he has control over her because a woman in the town is trying to set Janie up with her son. But right after Tea Cake feels awful and then pampers her to show her that he is sorry.

Janie notices that people in the town are leaving in a hurry and then hears that there is a hurricane coming. Janie, Tea Cake, and a man named Motor Boat try to get to higher ground so they don’t die. They find a cabin and rest for a little bit but Janie and Tea Cake leave to find a safer place. While they are walking the water keeps rising and eventually they have to swim. Tea Cake ends up getting bit by a dog in the face while he was trying to protect Janie. They find a safe place and stay there until the storm stops. When they get back Tea Cake starts t act weird. His doctor tells Janie that he thinks that the dog gave him rabies. One night Janie finds a pistol under his pillow, which he never used to have. There was only three bullets in it so she lines it up so if he shoots he would have three empty shots before a bullet would come out. He comes back and then starts to say weird things and then points the gun at her. She gets out a rifle and once he shoots the three empty rounds she shoots him.

Janie is tried and found innocent. She then gives Tea Cake a funeral. She then returns to Eatonville because the everglades remind her of Tea Cake too much. And even after all of this even just being with Tea Cake while she had the chance was enough for her.

Written by: Emily White

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