Cast of Characters

Janie Crawford: The heroine of Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie returns from a long journey at the beginning of the story.  The rest of the story is a flashback that she relays to her best friend Pheoby. Janie is the granddaughter of Nanny, and the wife of Logan Killicks, Joe Starks, and Tea Cake Woods, respectively. 

Pheoby Watson: Incredibly loyal and protective, Janie’s oldest friend, and wife to Sam.  She appears at the very beginning, middle and end of the story.

Nanny: Janie’s grandmother, Nanny is protective – to the point of being smothering, and forcing Janie into a loveless marriage. Nanny appears at the beginning of the novel, and dies soon after.

Logan Killicks: Janie’s considerably older, first husband. Logan appears at the beginning of the story.

Joe (Jody) Starks: Janie’s second husband, an up-and-rising businessman, whom she leaves Logan for. Joe and Janie move to Eatonville, where Joe becomes the mayor and opens a store. However, by the time of his death towards the middle of the novel, Janie and Joe are living in different houses.         

Matt Bonner: The owner of an old mule in Eatonville. Matt and the others’ mistreatment of the mule provokes Janie, but prompts a softer side in Joe. Matt appears about one-third of the way through the novel.

 Sam Watson: Husband of Pheoby, and ringleader in making fun of Matt, Sam is mentioned at the beginning and end of the story, and makes his appearance about one-third of the way through.

Hezekiah: Joe’s right-hand man, who takes over Joe’s job after his death. Hezekiah appears halfway through the novel.

Tea Cake Woods: Janie’s third and last husband, whom she meets after Joe’s death. Tea Cake woos the much older Janie while she’s still supposed to be in mourning, marries her, and the two move to the Everglades. During a hurricane, Tea Cake contracts rabies from a dog, and later ends up being shot by Janie herself. The true love of Janie’s life, Tea Cake appears near the middle of the novel. 

Mrs. Turner: A businesswoman eager to befriend Janie in the Everglades, Mrs. Turner appears in the latter-middle part of the novel.

Motor Boat: A friend of Tea Cake’s, Motor Boat appears toward the latter part of the book.

Doctor Simmons: The doctor who gives Janie the tragic news about Tea Cake’s ailment, Doctor Simmons appears in the latter part of the book.

Written by: Katrielle Guida

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